Learn From the Experts
How LAP Mentor is Used

LAP Mentor in Minimal Invasive Surgery Department

"With its wide repertoire of options, it is now one of the most versatile systems worldwide. "

Yaron Munz, MD, Director, Division of advanced laparoscopic surgery, upper GI, metabolic and bariatric surgery, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
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Indiana University Case Study

"LAP Mentor integration in surgical training curriculum."

Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, PhD, FACS, FASMBS, FSSH, Department of Surgery, IUSOM
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"If you haven't used this machine, you need to get on it. "

Brian Rudd Simulation Specialist at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM).
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